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Admin Module #

All the enums and identifiers related to Admin module are listed below.

Products #

Product refers to any tangible item a company sells to its customer. To know more about Product Entity visit here. Enums used in product entity are listed below.

Product Unit #
  • mm – milimeter.
  • kg – kilogram.
  • nos – Number Of stocks keeping units.

Pre-sales Module #

All the enums and identifiers related to Pre-sales module are listed below.

Leads #

Leads are potential customers who have expressed interest in a product or service. To know more about Leads Entity visit here. Enums used in leads entity are listed below.

Lead Status #
  • new – Freshly acquired leads.
  • contacted – Leads that have been reached out to.
  • qualified – Leads meeting criteria for potential conversion.
  • unqualified – Leads not meeting conversion criteria.
  • converted – Leads that have completed desired actions.
  • lost – Leads that did not convert.
  • junk – Low-quality or unlikely to convert leads.
Lead Activity Type #
  • call – Communication via phone.
  • email – Communication via electronic mail.
  • meeting – Face-to-face or virtual meetings.
  • task – Assigned actions or tasks related to the lead.
  • follow-Up – Subsequent communication or action after initial contact.
  • other – Miscellaneous or unspecified lead activity types.
Client/Lead Type #
  • individual – Represents a single person.
  • business – Represents a company or organization.
Tax Treatment #
  • GST – Goods and Services Tax.
  • VAT – Value Added Tax.

Enquiry #

An enquiry is a request for information or clarification, often initiated by a potential customer interested in products or services. To know more about Enquiry Entity visit here. Enums used in enquiry entity are listed below.

Enquiry Status #
  • draft – Initial enquiry is being prepared and is not yet finalized.
  • awaiting-quote – Enquiry has been submitted and is awaiting a quotation or response.

Sales Module #

All the enums and identifiers related to sales module are listed below.

Deals #

Deals are agreements that offer advantageous terms or discounts on goods or services. To know more about Deals Entity visit here. Enums used in deals entity are listed below.

Deal Stage #
  • qualification – Assessing the potential for a successful deal.
  • needs-analysis – Identifying and understanding the client’s requirements.
  • proposal – Presenting a formal offer or proposal to the client.
  • negotiation – Discussing terms and conditions to reach an agreement.
  • contract-sent – Sending the contract or agreement for review and signature.
  • closed-won – Successfully closing the deal and winning the business.
  • closed-lost – Unsuccessful closure of the deal, resulting in lost business.

Contracts #

Contracts are legally binding agreements between parties outlining rights, obligations, and terms for a specific transaction or relationship. To know more about Contracts Entity visit here. Enums used in contracts entity are listed below.

Contract Status #
  • pipeline – Contract is in the initial stages of negotiation or consideration.
  • active – Contract is currently in effect and being executed.
  • potential – Contract has the potential to be executed but is not yet active.

Proposals/Quotations #

A quotation is a formal document detailing the prices, terms, and specifications for goods or services offered by a business to a potential customer. To know more about Quotations Entity visit here. Enums used in quotations entity are listed below.

Proposal/Quotation Status #
  • draft – Proposal or quotation is being prepared and is not yet finalized.
  • sent – Proposal or quotation has been sent to the recipient.
  • confirmed – Proposal or quotation has been accepted or confirmed by the recipient.
Tax Calculation Mode #
  • after-discount – Tax will be calculate after discount.
  • before-discount – Tax will be calculate before discount.

Sales Order #

Sales orders are requests made by customers for the purchase of goods or services, specifying quantities, prices, and delivery terms. To know more about Sales Orders Entity visit here. Enums used in sales orders entity are listed below.

Order Status #
  • draft – Order is being prepared and is not yet finalized.
  • confirmed – Order has been confirmed by the customer.
  • paid – Payment for the order has been received.
  • cancelled – Order has been cancelled by either the customer or the seller.
  • invoiced -Invoice has been issued for the order.
  • partially-invoiced – Partial invoice has been issued for the order.

Invoices #

Invoices are documents detailing the items sold or services rendered, along with the associated costs, provided to customers for payment. To know more about Invoices Entity visit here. Enums used in invoices entity are listed below.

Invoice Type #
  • EXEMPT – Invoice for exempted transactions.
  • B2CL – Business-to-Consumer Large transactions.
  • B2B – Business-to-Business transactions.
  • B2CS – Business-to-Consumer Small transactions.
  • EXPORT – Invoice for export transactions.
  • NIL – Nil-rated invoice, indicating zero-rated transactions.
Invoice Status #
  • draft – Invoice is being prepared and is not yet finalized.
  • confirmed – Invoice has been confirmed and is ready to be sent.
  • sent – Invoice has been sent to the recipient.
  • paid – Full Payment for the invoice has been received.
  • partially-paid – Partial payment for the invoice has been received.
  • cancelled – Invoice has been cancelled and is no longer valid.

Credit Notes #

Credit notes are documents issued to reduce the amount owed by a customer, typically due to returns, refunds, or adjustments. To know more about Credit Notes Entity visit here. Enums used in credit notes entity are listed below.

Credit Note Status #
  • draft – Credit note is being prepared and is not yet finalized.
  • confirmed – Credit note has been confirmed and is ready to be sent.
  • sent – Credit note has been sent to the recipient.

Payments Received #

Payments received denotes the total amount of money received by a business or individual for goods or services rendered. To know more about Payments Received Entity visit here. Enums used in payments received entity are listed below.

Payment Status #
  • draft – Payment is being prepared and is not yet finalized.
  • pending – Payment is awaiting processing or confirmation.
  • completed – Payment has been successfully processed and completed.
  • failed – Payment processing has failed.
  • cancelled – Payment has been cancelled and will not be processed.

Settlements #

Settlements refer to the completion or resolution of financial transactions, often involving the transfer of funds or assets between parties. To know more about Settlements Entity visit here. Enums used in settlements entity are listed below.

Settlement Status #
  • pending – Settlement is awaiting processing or confirmation.
  • initiated – Settlement process has been initiated.
  • completed – Settlement has been successfully completed.
  • failed – Settlement process has failed.

Purchase Module #

All the enums and identifiers related to Purchase module are listed below.

Inventory #

Inventory refers to the stock of goods or materials that a business holds for the purpose of production, sale, or use. To know more about Inventory Entity visit here. Enums used in inventory entity are listed below.

Inventory Status #
  • not-configured – Inventory item has not been set up or configured.
  • in-stock – Sufficient quantity of the inventory item is available for sale.
  • low-stock – Inventory item quantity is below a predefined threshold, indicating the need for replenishment.
  • out-of-stock – Inventory item is not available for sale due to insufficient quantity.

Purchase Orders #

A purchase order is a legally binding document issued by a buyer to a seller, specifying the details of goods or services to be purchased. To know more about Purchase Orders Entity visit here. Enums used in purchase orders entity are listed below.

Purchase Order Status #
  • draft – Purchase order is being prepared and is not yet finalized.
  • sent – Purchase order has been sent to the supplier.
  • confirmed – Purchase order has been confirmed by the supplier.
  • cancelled – Purchase order has been cancelled and is no longer valid.

Debit Notes #

A debit note is a document used in commercial transactions to notify a buyer of a debit amount owed to the seller, typically issued for returns, corrections, or additional charges. To know more about Debit Notes Entity visit here. Enums used in debit notes entity are listed below.

Debit Note Status #
  • draft – Debit note is being prepared and is not yet finalized.
  • sent – Debit note has been sent to the recipient.
  • confirmed – Debit note has been confirmed and acknowledged by the recipient.
  • cancelled – Debit note has been cancelled and is no longer valid.

Expenses #

Expenses refer to the costs incurred by an individual or organization in the process of generating revenue or carrying out operations. To know more about Expenses Entity visit here. Enums used in expenses entity are listed below.

Expense Type #
  • office-expense – Costs associated with running and maintaining the office environment.
  • maintenance – Expenditures for the upkeep and repair of assets or property.
  • fuel – Expenses related to the purchase of fuel, typically for vehicles or machinery.
  • advertising – Costs incurred to promote products, services, or the brand.
  • delivery-freight-expense – Charges associated with shipping or delivering goods.
  • depreciation – Allocation of the cost of tangible assets over their useful life.
  • amortization – Spreading out the cost of intangible assets over time.
  • insurance – Payments made to protect against financial losses or liabilities.
  • interest – Amount paid for the use of borrowed funds or credit.
  • maintenance-and-repairs – Costs for maintaining and fixing equipment or property.
  • necessary-hardware – Expenses related to essential hardware purchases for business operations.
  • necessary-software – Costs associated with essential software for business functions.
  • office-supplies – Expenditures for items used in day-to-day office operations.
  • other-expenses – Miscellaneous costs not covered by other categories.
  • rent-lease – Payments for using or occupying property or equipment under a rental or lease agreement.
  • travel – Expenses incurred while traveling for business purposes.
  • utility-bills – Charges for essential services such as electricity, water, and gas.
  • wages – Payments to employees for their work or services rendered.
  • client-meetings – Costs associated with meetings or interactions with clients.
  • bank-charges – Fees charged by financial institutions for various services.
  • exchange-gain-or-loss – Gains or losses resulting from fluctuations in currency exchange rates.
  • tds – Tax Deducted at Source, amounts withheld from payments as advance income tax.
  • pf – Provident Fund, contributions toward employees’ retirement savings.
  • esi – Employee State Insurance, contributions for employees’ health insurance.
  • lodging – Expenses related to accommodation, typically during travel.
  • automobile-expense – Costs associated with the use and maintenance of vehicles for business purposes.
  • telephone-expense – Charges for telephone services used in business operations.
  • import-duty – Taxes imposed on goods imported into a country.
  • cost-of-goods-sold – Direct costs incurred in producing goods sold by a company.
  • income-tax – Taxes levied on the income of individuals or businesses.
  • bad-debt – Amounts owed to a business that are unlikely to be paid.
  • meals-and-entertainment – Expenses related to dining and entertaining clients or employees.
  • printing-and-stationery – Costs for printing materials and office stationery.
  • janitorial – Expenses for cleaning and maintenance services for office premises.
  • it-and-internet – Costs associated with information technology and internet services for business operations.

  • Expense Status #
    • paid – Expense has been paid in full.
    • unpaid – Expense has not yet been paid.
    • adjusted – Expense has been adjusted or reconciled in some way.
    Expense Sub Category #
    • operating-expense – Expenses related to the day-to-day operations of the business.
    • non-operating-expense – Expenses not directly related to the core operations of the business.
    • cost-of-goods-sold – Expenses directly associated with the production of goods sold by the business.
    GST Treatment #
    • GST – Goods and Services Tax.
    • NONGST – Not Goods and Services Tax.

    Payment Debited/Outward Payment #

    Payments debited refer to funds withdrawn from an account as a result of transactions or expenses incurred. To know more about Payments Debited Entity visit here. Enums used in payments debited entity are listed below.

    Payment Debited Status #
    • draft – Payment is being prepared and is not yet finalized.
    • pending – Payment is awaiting processing or confirmation.
    • completed – Payment has been successfully processed and completed.
    • failed – Payment processing has failed.
    • cancelled – Payment has been cancelled and will not be processed.
    Payment Debited Category #
    • expense – Outward payments made for various operational costs and expenditures.
    • reimbursement – Payments made to reimburse individuals or entities for expenses incurred on behalf of the organization.
    • asset – Outward payments related to the acquisition of tangible or intangible assets for the business.
    • purchase – Outward payments made for the procurement of goods or services necessary for business operations.

    Finance Module #

    All the enums and identifiers related to Finance module are listed below.

    Accounts #

    Accounts involve recording, analyzing, and summarizing financial transactions for an organization. To know more about Accounts Entity visit here. Enums used in accounts entity are listed below.

    Account Category #
    • asset – Resources owned by a company that provide future economic benefits.
    • liability – Obligations or debts owed by a company to external parties.
    • expense – Costs incurred by a company in order to generate revenue.
    • revenue – Income earned by a company from its primary business activities.
    • other – Any account category that does not fit into the above classifications.
    Account Sub Category #
    • current-assets – Assets that are expected to be converted into cash or used up within one year.
    • non-current-assets – Assets that are expected to provide economic benefits beyond one year.
    • current-liabilites – Obligations that are due within one year.
    • non-current-liabilites – Obligations that are due beyond one year.
    • equity – The residual interest in the assets of an entity after deducting liabilities.
    • capital – Funds contributed by the owners of the business.
    • reserves – Retained earnings or funds set aside for specific purposes.
    • operating revenue – Revenue generated from primary business activities.
    • non-operating revenue – Revenue generated from secondary or incidental activities.
    • other – Any sub-category that does not fit into the above classifications.
    Account Type #
    • cash – Physical currency and coins, as well as balances in bank accounts.
    • gst – Goods and Services Tax.
    • sales – Revenue generated from selling goods or services.
    • vat – Value Added Tax
    • tax – Various types of taxes payable, such as income tax, sales tax, or property tax.
    • account-recevable – Amounts owed to a business by its customers for goods or services provided on credit.
    • account-payable – Amounts owed by a business to its suppliers or creditors for goods or services purchased on credit.
    • unearned-revenues – Revenue received in advance before it is earned by providing goods or services.
    • discount – Reduction in the price of goods or services offered by a business.
    • capital – Funds contributed by the owners of the business for investment in the company.
    • bank – Balances maintained in bank accounts, including checking and savings accounts.
    • wallet – Cash or funds kept readily available for everyday expenses.
    • loan – Funds borrowed by a business or individual, typically with an agreement to repay the principal amount plus interest over time.
    • credit – Funds extended to a borrower with an obligation to repay the amount borrowed.
    • deposit – Funds placed into a bank account for safekeeping or to earn interest.
    • general – Miscellaneous account type used for transactions that do not fit into specific categories.
    • other – Account type used for transactions that do not fit into predefined categories.
    • unpaid-or-hold-wages – Amounts owed to employees for work performed but not yet paid.
    • tds – Tax Deducted at Source, a mechanism for collecting income tax at the source of income.
    • pf – Provident Fund, a retirement savings scheme in which both the employee and employer contribute to a fund.
    • esi – Employee’s State Insurance, a social security and health insurance scheme for Indian workers.
    • income-summary – Temporary account used to summarize revenues and expenses before transferring them to retained earnings.
    • retained-earnings – Accumulated profits that are reinvested in the business rather than distributed to shareholders.
    • opening-balance-adjustment – Adjustments made to account balances to reconcile with opening balances from previous periods.
    • dividend-income – Income earned by shareholders from dividends distributed by a company.
    • interest-income – Income earned from interest on investments, loans, or bank account balances.
    • gain-and-losses-for-investment – Account used to record gains or losses from the sale of investments.
    • advance-tax – Tax paid in advance before the end of the financial year based on estimated income.
    • income-tax-payable – Amount of income tax owed by an individual or business to the government.
    Account Sub Type #
    • gst-receivable – Amounts receivable from customers for Goods and Services Tax.
    • gst-payable – payable to tax authorities for Goods and Services Tax.
    • tds-receivable – Amounts receivable from customers as Tax Deducted at Source.
    • tds-payable – Amounts payable to tax authorities as Tax Deducted at Source.
    • pf-payable – Amounts payable to employees or authorities for Provident Fund contributions.
    • esi-payable – Amounts payable to employees or authorities for Employee State Insurance contributions.
    • input-VAT – Value Added Tax paid on purchases or expenses.
    • outout-VAT – Value Added Tax collected on sales or revenue.
    • input-tax – Taxes paid on purchases or expenses.
    • output-tax – Taxes collected on sales or revenue.
    GST Type #
    • igst – Tax on interstate transactions.
    • sgst – Tax on intrastate transactions within the state.
    • cgst – Tax on intrastate transactions levied by the central government.
    Natural Balance Type #
    • credit – Indicates a transaction that increases liabilities or decreases assets.
    • debit – Signifies a transaction that increases assets or decreases liabilities.
    • none – Denotes a neutral balance or no specific balance direction.

    HR Module #

    All the enums and identifiers related to HR module are listed below.

    Employee #

    Employees are Individuals hired by an organization to perform tasks or duties in exchange for compensation. To know more about Employee entity visit here. Enums used in employee entity are listed below.

    Employee Type #
    • full-time – Standard, full-hour work schedule with full benefits.
    • part-Time – Flexible, reduced-hour work schedule with partial benefits.
    Employee Salary Type #
    • hourly – Compensation based on the number of hours worked, often used for roles with variable schedules. Benefits may vary.
    • weekly – Regular salary paid every week, suitable for consistent work schedules. Standard benefits usually apply.
    • fortnightly – Salary paid every two weeks, balancing frequent payments with steady income. Standard benefits usually apply.
    • monthly – Salary paid once a month, providing a predictable income schedule. Standard benefits usually apply.
    • adhoc – Compensation for work done on an as-needed basis, often without a regular schedule. Benefits are typically not included.
    Employee Role #
    • staff – General workforce handling daily operations.
    • admin – Administrative support for organizational functions.
    • others – Specialized or unique positions with varied roles.

    Payroll #

    Payroll is the process of calculating and disbursing compensation to employees for their work within an organization, including salaries, wages, bonuses, and deductions. To know more about Employee entity visit here. Enums used in payroll entity are listed below.

    Payment Mode #
    • cash – Physical currency or banknotes used for transactions.
    • cheque – A written order directing a bank to pay a specified sum to the holder.
    • neft – National Electronic Funds Transfer, an electronic payment system in India.
    • imps – Immediate Payment Service, an instant interbank electronic fund transfer system in India.
    • wire transfer – Electronic transfer of funds between financial institutions or banks.
    • online – Payment made over the internet using a secure payment gateway.
    • credit card – Payment using a card that enables the holder to purchase goods and services on credit.
    • debit card – Payment using a card that deducts funds directly from the holder’s bank account.
    • wallet – Payment made using a digital wallet or mobile payment application.
    • other – Any payment mode not explicitly categorized.
    • paypal – Online payment system that allows individuals and businesses to transfer funds electronically.
    • razorpay – Payment gateway service provider that enables online transactions.
    • wise – Formerly known as TransferWise, an online international money transfer service.

    Assets #

    Assets are the Resources owned by an individual or organization that have economic value and are expected to provide future benefits. To know more about Employee entity visit here. Enums used in assets entity are listed below.

    Emi Status #
    • paid – EMI payment has been completed and settled.
    • unpaid – EMI payment is pending and has not been made yet.
    • overdue – EMI payment is past its due date and has not been paid on time.

    Employee Leaves #

    Authorized time off from work granted to employees for various purposes ensuring work-life balance and employee well-being. To know more about Employee entity visit here. Enums used in Employee Leaves entity are listed below.

    Leave Type #
    • one-time – A leave entitlement that can be used only once.
    • monthly – Leave allowance that resets on a monthly basis.
    • quartely – Leave entitlement refreshed every three months.
    • bi-annually – Leave allocation available twice a year.
    • annually – Leave benefit renewable on a yearly basis.
    Platform Payment Plan Limit Type #
    • count – Refers to the quantity or number of items or actions.
    • gb – Represents data storage or transfer capacity measured in gigabytes.
    • Platform Payment Plan Limit Frequency
    • total – Refers to the overall sum or aggregate amount.
    • monthly – Pertaining to actions or occurrences happening on a monthly basis.

    Projects & Tasks Module #

    All the enums and identifiers related to Projects & Tasks module are listed below.

    Projects #

    Projects defined endeavors with specific goals, timelines, and resources allocated to achieve desired outcomes or deliverables within an organization. To know more about Project entity visit here. Enums used in projects entity are listed below.

    Projects Status #
    • pipeline – Projects in the planning or pre-execution phase.
    • ongoing – Projects currently in progress or actively being worked on.
    • completed – Projects that have been successfully finished or accomplished.
    • cancel – Projects that have been terminated or discontinued before completion.

    Tasks #

    Tasks is an assigned actions or activities with clear objectives and deadlines, essential for project progress and completion. To know more about Task entity visit here. Enums used in tasks entity are listed below.

    Tasks Status #
    • pending – Tasks that are awaiting action or not yet started.
    • started – Tasks that have been initiated or are currently in progress.
    • completed – Tasks that have been successfully finished or accomplished.
    • cancelled – Tasks that have been terminated or discontinued before completion.